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TELNET (Terminal Network)


Telnet is (Terminal Network) and it was proposed as a standard of TCP/IP protocol for a virtual terminal service. If any user want to establish a connection this TELNET helps to that user. You can also say it the advantage of TELNET.

FEATURES OF TELNET:- 1) it has local or remote login, network virtual terminal and time sharing environment.

  ð   REMOTE LOGIN = mainly internet and TCP (Transfer Control Protocol) have been designed to provide many services to user. If user wants to access an application program residing on remote computer. He can do it using TELNET.

  ð   TIME SHARING ENVIRONMENT = 1st this was developed or created when all the operating systems was operating on time sharing principle.

And in the time sharing principle there is a large central computer which supports all the users.

  ð   LOCAL LOGIN = login of user into the local time sharing system is called as “local login”. As Shown In Figure below…







1.       Local login takes place in step-by-step manner.

A)     User enters required data at the terminal.

B)      Terminal driver accepts it.

C)      It converts to character.

D)     Character sends to operating system.

E)      Operating system understand it.

F)      It allows the access to user.



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